Navilas® 577s





Navilas® - A New Era in Retinal Disease Management





Recordings now available: Navilas Winter School 2025
Teleguidance for Navilas®: OD-OS enables retina experts to virtually prepare and guide navigated laser treatments from a distant location
Euretina: OD-OS presents Navilas® Pro as an affordable entry to the digital ecosystem of navigated laser



Teleguided photocoagulation treatments across…

Cusumano A, Ross R,…

Visual and anatomical evaluation of navigated…

Toto L, Ares I,…

Clinical Ophthalmology (Auckland,…


Fast panretinal photocoagulation

"I am very impressed with the Navilas 577s PRP. It feels ergonomic and straightforward - the system literally lets me paint the peripheral retina with uniform spots in a very short amount of time. It was very well tolerated by the patients, with only topical anesthesia. Navilas now has an industry leading PRP tool to complement its unrivalled and already well-known focal laser capability."

Great to establish new treatment paradigms

"For more than 5 years, we have been using the Navilas for treatment of a broad range of indications. The accuracy, planning and documentation provides unique tools to research the effectivity of laser treatment - especially in subthreshold modes. The safety of the navigation makes it a great device to establish new treatment paradigms."

Best fit with modern diagnostic imaging

"We introduced the Navilas system to help our physicians, to help our patients, to support our research, and to ensure the accuracy of our treatments. It really provides a superior laser which is keeping up with the more advanced technology of imaging systems that are available today.” 

Effective CSCR treatment

“Navilas allows me to treat CSCR lesions with unprecedented reduction of collateral tissue damage. This is the prerequisite for long-term preservation of vision.“

Safe tool for a broad range of indications

"Navilas provides all the digital functionality and safety to explore the optimal treatment strategies in a range of retinal indications, such as choroidal neovascularizations in sickle cell and non-responding wet AMD or even in the treatment of DME. It really is the tool we were dreaming for." watch webinar

    For Customers Navilas® Academy