Careers & Job Opportunities

Joining OD-OS

The success of OD-OS is a direct result of our highly motivated staff. Flat hierarchies allow our team to combine their knowledge and individual strengths, optimize our goals, keep decision-making processes short and ensure that individual successes are noticed and rewarded.

Excellent people require good processes to design the best products, therefore we at OD-OS are constantly interested in hiring qualified staff - especially for Sales, Marketing and Product Development - seeking both the challenges and the encouragement deriving from our transparent work environment.

Job Opportunities

Werkstudent Social Media Marketing - Schwerpunkt Employer Branding (m/w/d)

Optometrist / studentische Hilfskraft für Koordination und Durchführung einer klinischen Studie (m/w d)


For more information on Career Opportunities please contact:

Warthestr. 21
14513 Teltow

phone: +49 3328 31282-100

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